Thursday, April 16, 2015

Would we be killed ? / Life on the "Rez"

     Native Americans by having to give up there children to the government to force them to give up there culture and to give up there way of life by changing there cloth and making them act more proper and to stop believing in there culture and make them feel like they are bad for believing that what they were thought was normal to wasn't normal and trying to train them to be like the white witch meant they changed what they thought was right and wrong. They had a saying "kill the indian,save the man" witch meant to make them stop believing what they where taught was right and to save the man for he could still be changed to act like a white man and to grow his kids the same ways as they are teaching them to be. "He also planned to civilize them to strip them of their tradition and ways of life" He was trying to make them more "civilized" which mean to make them more like they want them to be without there knowing they taught them to learn shoemaking and,or gardening this shows that they aren't respecting there culture and there way of life you can see this because they are forcing them to be like how they want them to be and not how they where born and raised to be and act like they want them to be.

     I feel like she wants people to know that she's not different from others and she still does the same things that normal to kids her age it makes her like other think that she's different but nothing is just because he race and how she was raised and grown to be like there culture by hunting and fish with there bare hands and other think that she is uncivilized and doesn't know what its is to be a normal kid and grow up with technology. "They have all these about what it mean that i live a teepee" people think and assume things about her because she is Native Americans and people right away think that she doesn't know what most things mean and think she might not understand what she mean and where she comes from and they aren't the same people from the past and they same teenagers  as the ones that are say things about them.