Up Standers
I feel like people saw what they where doing was wrong and made them feel like they needed there help to stop these things from happing the people who just stood and watched they knew that if they tried to do something they would be shot on sight of wired acts or trying to attack them or to fight back. The people who would stand up they where people who had nothing to loss like they lost there families and they just wanted to put a end to all of the disaster that was going on and they just felt like people didn't want to see people being killed and miss treated because they felt like they had right too. I would most likely to be a up stander because i wouldn't like to hear that people where being kill and miss treated and i could of done something about it to stop it and save lives.
I agree with you Abel, I too wouldn't want to hear that people are being killed and mistreated and stick up what is right.